Work station works


    As a 32-year resident of Malibu, it is clear that our city government has made many errors in their relatively short life and have not always done much to make our little paradise better, but from time to time they do very good things and one of them deserves some comment and praise.

    For many years we had clusters of day workers at Las Flores, Civic center, Zuma and at other locations at odd times. Some years ago they decided to have a Malibu Labor Exchange and put it at the Civic Center near the old Sheriff’s station at the west end of the parking lot. They finally got a trailer, a phone number, tables, chairs–in short, they were organized and effective.

    Over the years I have used their services many times and, as with other more formal contractors, have had some good and some not so good workers. Overall, they have provided a valuable and much needed source of occasional workmen for all kinds of odd jobs, etc. Clearly, much of the success of this impressive labor exchange is due to the man in charge, Oscar Mondragon.,

    He is unfailingly polite, very helpful, fair and honest in his dealing with workmen and customers alike. This letter is simply to extend plaudits, praise, a well deserved thank you to everyone in and out of the Malibu government for this good public service.

    William F. Pollock