Petition Circulating to Recall City Manager

Reva Feldman

The leadership of Reva Feldman, Malibu’s city manager since early 2016, has been called into question following the Woolsey Fire and its immediate aftermath. According to a petition circulating online, hundreds are now asking for her to step down—or be removed—from the city’s top staff position. Also on the chopping block is Susan Dueñas, who has served as the city’s public safety manager since April 2017.

As of press time on Tuesday, Dec. 11, more than 650 signatures had been gathered on the petition, which was hosted on It was not clear how many of those signatures came from Malibu residents or those registered to vote in Malibu.

“We the residents of Malibu demand: The immediate resignations, or firing, of City Manager Reva Feldman and Emergency Service Manager Susan Dueñas,” the petition states. It goes on to list seven bullet points critiquing Feldman and her staff’s handling of the fire.

There were some rumblings of discontent among the audience at the recent Malibu City Council meeting on Monday, Dec. 10—a small but vocal number of audience members heckled Feldman, and asked visiting former City Manager Jim Thorsen to resume his role. No audience members made official comments calling for Feldman’s removal. 

At the meeting, elected officials were quick to praise the city manager.

“She’s been the foundation of all the stuff I’ve been able to accomplish,” outgoing Council Member Lou La Monte said of Feldman, adding that she was “the best in the state.”

Council member—and former mayor—Rick Mullen asked concerned residents to bring complaints and issues to him, saying, “The buck stops here.” 

Mullen offered his thanks to Feldman, saying she had been “nothing but professional,” and adding, “there are plenty of other cities that will snatch her up if we ever let her go.” To this, a voice in the crowd replied, “I hope you will.”