Repaving Starts In Western Malibu – When On Your Street? Don’t Know – Hurricane Waves Come Tonight


    Street repaving starts in western Malibu … but just when and where … we can’t tell you.

    The Third Street Promenade all of a sudden has a whole bunch of vacant stores … for the first time in 30 years. 

    Mel Gibson sells his Medieval castle … over Carbon Mesa. 

    This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

    It’s the  Friday edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.

    Good morning Selfridge!


    Hurricane Hilary waves are supposed to arrive starting tonight.

    You can already see the R-Vs lined up on the highway.

    The experts at Surfline say this round of hurricane waves won’t be as big as those from Eugene earlier this summer. … but the best in a few weeks. 

    First waves from the south southeast will start filling in just before sunset tonight …  before dark then building further all day Saturday.

     This swell is expected to top out Sun/Mon … at about 7 feet.


    The city has begin repaving streets in the Malibu Park neighborhood …. and not without a bit of confusion.

    Temporary no parking signs have appeared on streets …. and then disappeared.

    Some residents got a leaflet … others didn’t … and the leaflet was vague. 

    Calls to the city for information were not returned.

    Officials at city hall now say they will use social media to alert the public what days their home driveways will be cut off …. due to repaving. 

    Major streets like Trancas Canyon Road …Westward Beach Road and Birdview Avenue on the point … will be topped with slurry seal. 

    Guernsey Avenue will get a complete repaving with rubberized asphalt. 

    Smaller residential streets near Malibu High School and in the Malibu Park neighborhood will get slurry seal … which will mean no parking on the street and no access to driveways for a day at a time. 

    Which days?

    That’s the confusion. 

    No one at City Hall has the answer.

    The repaving has started now …. will be wrapped up in two weeks.  

    Stay tuned.


    The L A county sheriff has released the latest crime stats for Malibu … for the months of May and June … and they show an overall increase of about 11 percent increase in reported major crimes. 

    But from a statistical analysis standpoint … the number of reported crimes is so low that it doesn’t take a lot of reports to make the stats go up or down a bit.

    Assaults are up … burglaries from houses way down .. burglaries from cars up.

    54 car crashes in May … 45 in June.

    During the month of May the deputies write 841 traffic tickets.

    That went up to 1 thousand 15 tickets in June. 

    There were 370 speeding tickets written in Malibu in May … 528 in June.

    In terms of car crashes … the number one cause again … speeding.

    Unsafe turns come in second. 

    Malibu’s volunteers on patrol wrote 185 thousand dollars worth of tickets in the three month period ending in June. 

    Average ticket – 66 dollars.


    You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))


    In news from down the coast … the Santa Monica City Council on Tuesday narrowly approved a new plan for its downtown.

    Santa Monica now says that a builder of a condo or apartment building in downtown Santa Monica must reserve up to 30 percent of  the units as affordable … below market price.

    That is the highest threshold of its kind in California.

    The 4-3 vote came after hours of warnings from developers who said they would be unable to shoulder the cost of more affordable units.

    Renters beseeched the Santa Monica city council to address the critical shortage of housing for lower-income earners.

    City officials acknowledged they were in uncharted waters.

    One of the votes against the new downtown plan said the 30 percent affordable housing rule basically puts up a giant banner on downtown Santa Monica …. that says don’t build here.


    Online shopping is killling bricks and mortar stores in America.

    The last major bookstore near Malibu … the Barnes and Noble store in Santa Monica … is going to close early next year. 

    Malibu lost its last bookstore last year … and the other location of the Bank of Books in Ventura is doing so poorly that its owner is asking for crowdsourced funding to stay alive. 

    The Barnes and Noble is Santa Monica is adding to the number of vacant storefronts on the Third Street Promenade.  

    The Los Angeles Business Journal notes that for the first time in 30 years … 

    vacant storefronts are popping out on the Promenade.

    Six out of about 100 stores on the Promenade vacant as of the end of last month, according to Downtown Santa Monica … the business group that runs the street. 

    An additional seven were recently leased but not yet open, giving the off-putting appearance of a rocky business climate.

    The LA Business Journal says the Third Street Promenade accounts for 517 million dollars in retail sales annually, …and draws foot traffic on par with Disneyland – 16 million people a year.


    Mel Gibson’s Malibu Medieval manor has hit the market for 17 and a half million.

    The 61-year-old actor listed the 5.5-acre, multi-building estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday afternoon.

    He’s owned it for nine years… since 2008 … when a trust linked to his company pais 11 and a half million.

    The property is up on Carbon Mesa Road … 

    The trades describe the five-bedroom main house as “old world”-themed with a bit of fairytale charm.

    There is Medieval design inspiration …with an exterior of stone, stucco and wood paneling … the interiors also play up the rustic charm with exposed ceiling beams, stone fireplaces and wooden tower.

    A bunch of tapestries …  two large wooden crosses, rosary beads and other middle ages religious items. 

    No word if it has chamberpots and outhouses … or indoor plumbing. 


    Traffic …


    Weather for the Malibu ….

    Patchy fog before 11am. 

    It will be ((((    73   )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((   92   )))) inland. 

    Winds will be gentle. 

    Downcoast winds will be gentle … about  (((  15  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

    Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:56    )))).

    After that … expect ((( late night and early morning clouds and fog  )))) tonight … a low of  ((((  61  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  62   )))) in the canyons.

    Tomorrow should be   ((((   much the same  )))).

    Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((     67   )))) degrees.

    In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    75   )))) .

    And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((    71  )))).

    In the ocean … it’s ((((       )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

    You can expect this swell to be a couple notches less than what Eugene sent, but certainly better than Fernanda, Greg, and Irwin. 

    Says Surfline:

    Look for SSE swell to start to filling into select exposures of Southern California before dark on Friday, then building further all day Saturday. 

    This swell is expected to top out Sun/Mon with fun size surf at the well exposed breaks. 

    The lifeguards say the waves early today are   ((((   1-2  )))) feet high …. 

    Those are ((((  poor to fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

    (((((  High tide is at 2:38 P-M  … 4.5 feet.

    Low tide is at 8:44 tonight.   ))))


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