Mullen Delivers State of the City Address to Crowd at City Hall

Malibu Mayor Rick Mullen

Malibu’s movers and shakers in government and business descended on City Hall last week to see Mayor Rick Mullen deliver his first State of the City Address, as well as hear updates from other civic leaders.

Malibu Chamber of Commerce President Lenise Sorén described updates at the chamber, including its office in the Lumber Yard moving “upstairs, to a larger office.”

Sorén said the chamber was looking forward to launching a Junior Chamber of Commerce in 2018, as well as a Pet Chamber of Commerce.

Kasey Earnest, executive director of the Malibu Boys & Girls Club, reflected on the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre—the State of the City took place on the 19th anniversary of that school shooting—and described how it served as a catalyst for the formation of the club.

“We cannot ensure exemption from tragedy, ever” Earnest said, “but we can invest in prevention and try to minimize and reduce the need for intervention later.”

Earnest introduced Amy Jimenez, the Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year for 2018, whose thoughtful and personal speech drew a standing ovation.

Diane Forte of Southern California Edison—a sponsor of the breakfast event—described SCE’s goal of cutting emissions by 40 percent in the next 12 years.

Finally, Mullen gave his address, praising Malibu for resisting change over the years and laying out challenges the city will face in the months and years ahead. The challenges rattled off by Mullen include: natural disasters, increasing homelessness, PCH safety, residential rehab facilities, FAA conflicts, short-term rentals, city property acquisition, school issues, recreation opportunities, 15 million annual visitors and financial responsibility.