What’s the matter with kids today


    Arnold G. York seems to have difficulties understanding why kids today are killing each other. I believe there are several reasons contributing to this factor. We have a lack of parental guidance and communication. We have an easy access to guns in our family homes. We do not teach our children acceptance of ourselves and others who may be different. We do not support self-expression and individuality; instead we urge kids to toss aside their own true character to follow into everyone else’s footsteps. We have been desensitizing our world through video games, movies, television and music.

    Eminem may seek notoriety through lyrics of hate, pretending it’s all a joke, but susceptible teenagers do not perceive those messages the same way. Many kids are sorry victims of our society and do not understand the consequences of their actions. Like a video game, they view horrifying actions as something that will disappear at the end, where life will continue as before. As disturbing as it may sound, if changes are not enforced very soon in our world of rapid technical and scientific development, it may be inevitable that we are heading towards a world where human relationship and touch as we now know it will cease to exist.

    Andre Landzaat