I emailed 2,549 people about the city’s upcoming Santa Monica Conservancy draft EIR meeting in Malibu, as well as the meeting to decide the final vote in Pacific Palisades. Of the 13,000 Malibu residents, including the 2,549 people emailed, about 60 residents showed up (less in Malibu). You do the math. Joe Edmiston and his Coastal Commission pals won because of one word. Apathy. You didn’t show, folks. So you don’t get to complain.
The vote had only one no vote-Mayor Jefferson Wagner. Approved were 54 total sites: Bluffs Park (35), Corral Canyon (17) and Ramirez Canyon (2). Most interesting was the missing contingent from Malibu Road. I guess you don’t care that people will be using the restroom right next to your homes. Or maybe you don’t care about massive construction above a very narrow street.
It’s the same public apathy that got the city into the real estate business resulting in the pathetic Faux Malibu Lumber Yard now for sale, the Performing Arts Center, which should have been left as is and could have been a money maker, and, of course, Legacy Park. We’re not Newport Beach nor are we Laguna Beach, so at the very least let’s show up at meetings and gather together to stop the parking meters. We don’t need them, and we don’t want them. And let’s not put the library annex next to Vital Zuma. There’s plenty of empty office space in the shopping center at Heathercliff.
If you don’t like what’s happening, don’t be apathetic. Get up, show up, shout out.
Susan Tellem