KBUU Malibu News Tuesday


= Another death from Covid 19 reported within Malibu

= And Malibu’s vaccination rate is below that of comparable cities.

= A small plane makes a forced landing on the 101 freeway … apparently in the exit only lane.

= Planning to expand nearby airports grinds to a halt … too many people ticked off about airplane noise.

= And 17 years after Granita closed … plans emerge for a replacement.

Malibu’s Only Local Daily News …

Weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at www.radiomalibu.net

Miss the newscast? The continuous replay is on FM 99.1 HD2 middays until 2pm. KBU2 is streaming at s7.viastreaming.net/6500

Major stories posted later in the day at www.radiomalibu,net

Breaking news stories always go first to the radio, and then the KBUU Facebook page,
