Malibu Seen



    And in the category of outstanding performance in hospitality . . . the Oscar/Emmy/Grammy/fill-in-the-blank goes to . . . David Foster and Linda Thompson. The Foster and Thompson duo lived up to their reputations as Malibu’s most gracious and generous hosts after a three-day whirlwind celebration that drew everyone from superstars to environmentalists to local cops.

    After opening their doors for a Sheriff’s Department fund-raiser one Friday evening, they cleared the tables and set up for the Baykeeper ball the following Saturday and capped it all off on Sunday as they rolled out the red carpet for Pepperdine University and its Center for the Arts.

    The center and its outreach programs use performing arts, dance and music as a way to educate, inspire and enlighten children from various backgrounds. “The arts have taught me so much about discipline, goals and teamwork,” said Ellen Weitman, “and the Fosters have been amazing. They’ve done so much, especially for the kids.”

    The center also works to fill a void that exists in many school programs. “The arts are the first thing they cut in public education,” said Susan Runnels Noel. “The arts are what our world is built on. We have to step in because these kids are our future.”

    After a silent auction and champagne on the lawn of his elegant Malibu estate, David took the stage to preside over the kind of top-drawer entertainment program he is famous for. His surprise guests spanned the musical spectrum with everyone from Pat Boone, sporting an eye-popping electric tangerine sports jacket, to an elegantly clad Marilyn McCoo who delighted the crowd with standards like “Up, Up and Away” and “One Less Bell to Answer.”

    The evening’s highlight came as wacky “Will & Grace” star Sean Hayes burst on the scene with a tribute to his TV idol, Cher, and gave a special rendition of, what else, “Believe.” Not exactly poetry in motion, but very, very funny. What could be better? Well, how about the real Cher taking his place and performing the real thing? After a grand finale with pop’s most popular diva in fine form, the 400 or so guests left with a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts knowing they had done their part for a worthy cause.

    Of course a memorable evening such as this can only draw words of praise for the people who made it happen. “David and Linda are so great,” says Runnels Noel. “They’re always giving back to the community, and giving back is what it’s all about.”