Consider environment over sports lighting


On Dec. 8, I attended a public meeting at Malibu High regarding the proposed Measure BB renovation and construction plans for Malibu Middle and High schools. After Dr. Kelly’s presentation of this project an opportunity for public input was provided.

Most people welcome the improvements that are to be made to the schools but a major concern is the proposed permanent lighting of the athletic fields and how it will effect the surrounding environment.

Malibu Park is a unique neighborhood and the quality of life will be affected by light glare, noise and traffic if permanent lights are installed on the field. More community usage is rumored to occur with lights being allowed on until 10 p.m.

Isn’t the preservation of our Malibu Park neighborhood, the views and property values just as important as the desire of a parent who lives on Point Dume or Malibu West and wants his child to be able to play football, lacrosse or soccer at night? A desire to preserve nighttime skies and quiet after dark does not equal being “anti-kid” and I want the best for our children of Malibu. Maybe that doesn’t mean a chance to play sports at night but having a chance for a better environment in their futures.

If Malibu wants to be a leader in providing a sustainable, “green community” then what are they doing allowing the school to put synthetic turf (the plastic leaches toxic fumes), concrete bleachers and permanent lighting (high energy usage) on the athletic field? How many more people will be using the bathrooms in a high use period, thus overloading the septic system, which is in close proximity to Zuma Beach?

If anyone else is concerned about what is being proposed by the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District then I would encourage you to attend the meeting at Malibu High on Jan. 14 and voice your concerns before it is too late.

Carol Gable