Weekend Road Closures for Nautica Malibu Triathlon

John Pederson, overall winner of the Nautica Malibu Triathlon

Race traffic will cause a series of road closures in Malibu over the weekend.

From 5 a.m. Saturday, 9/17 to 12 p.m. Sunday, 9/18, expect the following to be closed:

• PCH westbound and eastbound No. 2 lanes from Deer Creek Road to Busch Drive (Zuma Beach)

• Entrance to Broad Beach East (Broad Beach Road and Trancas Canyon Road)

• Busch Drive between PCH and Zuma Beach Plaza

• PCH access to Westward Beach Road will be closed, but Birdview will remain open with access to Westward Beach Road

• Morning View Drive between PCH and Merritt Drive

Signs will be posted to help redirect road traffic.