Letter: Biased

Letter to the Editor

In response to “You’re Fired,” published on April 11

Not only were you being cynical in your last week’s editorial, but also you were being both political and biased.

Your dislike of Donald Trump comes across with every sentence you write about this president. You chose to focus on his hiring and firing of the personnel on his staff and the various agencies. The other main issue you had was with the soon-to-be released Mueller report. 

Up until last week, Attorney General Bill Barr was considered by both sides of the aisle to be a highly intelligent, fair-minded attorney with a noteworthy resume. Now, Democrats and the mainstream media are crying foul after Barr testified in last week’s Senate hearing that he thinks “spying did occur” in the Trump campaign in 2016. All I can say to that is this: Let’s wait to see what the Mueller report says when it’s released. No one can say that the 17 members of the Mueller report had a bias toward helping Trump. Except for Mueller, none are registered Republican. Thirteen are registered Democrat. By the way, how is that a fair committee? Regardless, after an exhaustive, two-year investigation—which included countless subpoenas, interviews and reviews of testimony, emails and texts—no collusion was found. If they could have nailed President Trump, they would have done so with glee. The real reason for the current outrage is that now that Trump has been cleared of any collusion, the investigation is going to boomerang back to see how the whole thing started. Why was the Trump campaign never alerted to possible spying by Russia? How were the FISA applications obtained (which the Horowitz probe should answer by June)? Were there abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI, CIA and DOJ? What was “the insurance policy”? Who knew what and how far did it go up the chain of command? There is so much interesting information about to be released. 

What you didn’t mention in your editorial last week was some of the highlights of Trump’s presidency. Despite being hampered and overshadowed by the Mueller probe, in just a little over two years, Trump:

• Put an end to the ISIS caliphate, but will continue to monitor any growth.

• Saw American oil production soar in 2018, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia. According to CNN Business, for the first time since 1973, the United States is the world’s largest producer of crude oil.

• Saw wages for the middle class rise three percent in 2018. 

• Ended the Iran Nuclear Deal. 

• Moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, something that was required by U.S. law since 1995. Despite promises to do so, no other president had managed to accomplish this.

• In 2018, saw black people’s joblessness hit the lowest ever recorded. Hispanic people experienced 13 months of a jobless rate under five percent since Trump took office. That had only happened one month prior to January 2017. He’s not exactly the racist the media likes to portray him as.

• Has confronted China on trade imbalances. Negotiations are in the final stages. No longer will America be a doormat for China. Former presidents were clueless on how to negotiate trade. 


If Congress would do its part by changing the immigration laws, there wouldn’t be thousands of migrant caravaners at our southern borders. But the Democrats actually encourage this assault on our society, flooding our school systems, health care facilities and housing. They see votes a decade or two down the road, regardless of the cost to America. If we were a border city, would Malibu, a self-proclaimed sanctuary city, welcome a thousand new undocumented people?

I expect, as the Mueller report is released this or next week, for the Democrats’ focus to be on Trump’s personnel changes, the discrediting of A.G. Barr and the (lawful) redactions in the report, and a renewed hunt for Trump’s tax returns. Even with the redactions that must be made by law to the Mueller report, there will be plenty of finger pointing, and little of it will be at the Trump campaign.

Forrest Stewart