Photos, Bios: Six Candidats Vie for Two Council Seats

• elected in 2010• key issues: rehab clinics• director and producer

As the city gears up for election season, six people have submitted paperwork with the intent to run for City Council. Current councilmembers Lou La Monte and Laura Rosenthal are running for re-election with their two seats up for grabs in the April 8 election. They face four challengers.


In the Jan. 16 issue, there were several issues that arose surrounding a graphic that ran on the front page that profiled the candidates running in the 2014 Malibu City Council Elections. 

The graphic, titled “Six candidates vie for two council seats,” listed “key issues” favored by each candidate in the race. Several contacted The Malibu Times stating that the issues listed were not accurate or were not their primary goals. 

Malibu resident June Louks said her key issues were not too much development and local control of schools, as listed in the graphic, but rather to strengthen rural character, protect local schools and safeguard the environment.

Current Councilwoman Laura Rosenthal, who is running for re-election, said that her principal re-election issues were not public art and rec field space, as listed in the graphic. Instead, she listed her key issues as PCH safety, responsible development and local control over public schools. 

Resident Jacky Tomlinson, who is no longer in the race after not meeting the minimum number of signatures, was also listed as working for council campaigns for former Malibu mayors Andy Stern and Sharon Barovsky. Tomlinson said she supported Stern and Barovsky but did not work for their campaigns. 

The Malibu Times will publish candidate questionnaires in the coming weeks in which each candidate can offer their goals as potential council members.