Letter: Enjoy the Ride

Letter to the Editor

I’ve been an admirer of Malibu for many years and always have had positive experiences there, except for one time many years ago — 1946 to be exact, when I got my one and only speeding ticket on PCH, driving a red convertible Chrysler with a red and black plaid interior.

Showing off in this spiffy red convertible didn’t accomplish anything, and my word of advice: don’t speed in a red car — they are out there for the picking.

I contribute this act of recklessness (speeding) to my youth and have concentrated on the posted speed zones ever since. It seems that the speed mania is still existing on this beautiful stretch of highway, with it’s wonderful views of the Pacific Ocean going north or south.

There’s no time for sightseeing at a high speed, so slow down and smell the roses. PCH is very conducive to showing off one’s high-powered car by gunning the motor and going at an excessive speed to show off this “weapon of mass destruction.”

Guys and gals: slow down, which is safer, in those high-powered cars so that the other envious motorist can get a good look at your pride and joy.

Speeding by doesn’t give the other motorist enough time to admire your fantastic car. It is a proven fact that the destructive behavior of speeding has caused many mishaps on PCH and other highways.

There have been numerous fatalities on PCH in the first half of this year and many crashes and mishaps. Now that summer has arrived, there will be an increase of traffic that will result in many more traffic mishaps. Moderate speed is safer than high speed.

Lois Eisenberg