Drati Appears At Santa Monica School Rally To Egg On Opposition To Current Malibu School Independence Plan


Santa Monica-Malibu school superintendent Ben Drati appeared at a rally last week … a rally of Santa Monica residents opposed to allowing Malibu to pull out of their school district, without incurring an enormous SM tax subsidy. There …. the man heading public schools in both cities urged Santa Monica residents to speak before the county Board of Education at its meeting … one week from Saturday … to oppose Malibu’s independence plan. Santa Monica’s six members of the school board want to continue to extract property tax revenue from Malibu …. to prop up schools in Santa Monica .. as a price for Malibu independence. By Malibu’s estimate, Santa Monica is asking for $4 billion over 50 years. DETAILS: https://www.radiomalibu.net/drati-appears-at-santa-monica-school-rally-to-egg-on-opposition-to-malibus-current-school-independence-plan/