Permanent Skatepark Preliminary Designs Released

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At the Nov. 17 meeting of the Malibu Parks and Recreation Commission, illustrations showing the preliminary design of the city’s permanent skate park were released.

California Skateparks, the company in charge of designing the 12,500-square-foot interactive park, finished its design for the park that will be built on the Crummer Property (now called the Case Property) adjacent to Malibu Bluffs Park.

The designs just released incorporate public input from virtual public design meetings held Sept. 2 and Nov. 10, and a community survey from Sept. 4.

The commission will provide input regarding locations for spectator seating, tables and other possible site amenities. After review by the Malibu Parks and Recreation Commission, the designs still have to go before the public works and planning commissions before final review and approval by city council.

Construction of the permanent skate park will begin once fundraising for the project is complete. The park is anticipated to open in 2022.