Change of direction


I commend those who pursue their passions, especially when they involve improving our environment. However, I find it very difficult to really wrap my head around the efforts of the Malibu Green Machine and their request for public donations. Greening our medians along PCH? Really? Is this what Malibu needs to “green”? I’d hate to break this news but Malibu is known for a few things nationally and unfortunately one of them is dirty beaches and water. I am constantly reminded of this by my friends and family back East.

Rather than seek funds for the greening of our medians, how about seeking public donations to help place catch basins for our storm drains and assist the city with coming into compliance. With our inability to meet total mandatory daily bacteria limits, help pass legislation to ban the use of plastic bags and Styrofoam or even get our local businesses, especially those along PCH, to pitch in with highway clean-ups?

I commend your passion and efforts but perhaps we could be better served in other much needed areas.

Robert Pousman