In a press release Malibu Chamber of Commerce declares support for Measures N, O and Y opposition to Measure P, in the Nov. 7 election.
Measure N is immediately concerned with allowing residents to vote on the proposed Malibu Bay Company development agreement. It would also require voter approval of all future development agreements larger than 30 acres. Measure N is legal and without threat of litigation. The Chamber board endorses Measure N in concept and also to ensure Measure P is defeated in this winner-take-all contest.
Measure O is an advisory vote to learn if residents approve using tax money to support a $15 million bond measure to buy land for public parks. The Chamber Board endorses Measure O, as it will enhance our residential and business communities and the Malibu Way of Life.
Measure P requires voter approval of certain commercial and residential developments, but it has already created a negative climate for local businesses. According to the city’s Economic Study, Malibu’s shortage of retail and office space is a major cause of the high rents which force local business owners out of the community. This diminishes our small-town atmosphere and our local shopping opportunities. Measure P’s permitting restrictions would make it more difficult to reverse this trend. Also, because key features of Measure P conflict with the State Permit Streamlining Act, developers may be able to get major projects approved without meeting any city-imposed conditions. Moreover, if Measure P is litigated (which most expect), a judge will likely end up making Malibu’s land use decisions without regard to our local government. For these reasons, the chamber opposes Measure P.
Measure Y concerns Renewal of the School Parcel Tax. The chamber board endorses Measure Y because an outstanding school system is essential to meet the educational needs of our students. Schools are the strength and future of the Malibu community.