Letter: Pointers on petting zoos

Letter to the Editor

Point of clarification for last week’s story on the petting zoo featuring several photos: The animal pictured in both photos is not a turtle. It is a large tortoise called a sulcata. 

While it is less likely that a tortoise can carry salmonella, all reptiles can carry diseases, so it is not a good idea for children to pet reptiles (or other farm animals) unless they can immediately wash their hands. Kids may bite their nails or suck their thumbs after touching contaminated fur or fence rails. 

Since 2000, petting zoos and organized farm visits around the U.S. have caused at least 32 publicized outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella and cryptosporidium. 

Just be super careful if you take your kids to a petting zoo. And adults, wash your hands too! 

Susan Tellem