Earlier this month the planning commission voted yes on recommending approval of Joe Edmiston’s utterly insane and misguided parks plan.
On Sunday, Oct. 21… Mother Nature voted no.
I urge the City Council, at its Nov. 13 meeting, to follow suit with the latter. And if Ranger Joe has any smarts, he’ll suck it up and not push the issue any further.
After what we endured this last week, there is no question that it is beyond unacceptable to have overnight camping anywhere in the Santa Monica Mountains. If Edmiston wants “just plain folk” to be able to enjoy Malibu, too, then he needs to come up with a plan that residents can live with. But the final word will be ours-not his.
Y’know, Joe… for someone who insists on dressing like Smokey the Bear … you sure don’t act like him.
Wade Major