Band together for control


    The last Council meeting painted a clear picture of Malibu’s shadow government. There stood Frank Angel, attorney hired by Malibu Township Council, threatening to sue the City if it dared to write its own Local Coastal Plan. Not only that, he stated he had called John Burton, author of the bill that took away Malibu’s right to author its own LCP, and told him to ignore the City Council because they didn’t represent the City. Why? Because MTC wants the Coastal Commission to dictate our future.

    In an orchestrated attack, “The Coalition for Slow Growth,” (which has about four members), Steve Uring, president of the Coastal Land Conservancy, and a score of Keller-Van Horn supporters invited MTC’s attorney to speak for them as well, and applauded when he finished. Even more shocking was Frank Basso, former president of the Point Dume HOA, agreeing that the City Council should just shut up and hand all our land use decisions over to the Coastal Commission.

    So what’s going on? That’s easy. In the old days MTC had broad representation and hundreds of members who fought hard for independence, local control and Cityhood. Today, Carolyn Van Horn, Lucille Keller and their old stable of supporters control MTC and membership has dwindled. When the voters decided to oust Keller and Van Horn, these old pioneers of independence have decided if they can’t run Malibu, then no one in Malibu should. In other words, they now believe in control only if they have it.

    Well, I hope MTC likes the Fat Burgers, Taco Bells and Marriots that will be popping up all over our City. And they will love the public parking that will be forced on residential areas like Point Dume. Remember, folks, Peter Douglas, director of the Coastal Commission, wrote the staff report that said the best use of Bluff Park would be an RV park. Now that the kids are being kicked off Bluff’s Park, maybe he will get his wish.And let’s not forget that the Commission sued to allow public parking at Point Dume.

    If Malibu voters want a duly elected City Council instead of an appointed State Commission to determine their future, they should tell the old guard to get over not being in power. Tell them it’s time to join the rest of us in keeping what they claimed they wanted local control.

    B(Name withheld because of project pending before Coastal Commission.

    Name withheld on request