Urgent plea for help


    Did you know that the Malibu Urgent Care is in danger of disappearing? St. John’s will not be subsidizing Malibu’s Urgent Care after the end of the month. Colony Care Partners, under the auspices of Dr. Fergusen, is willing to carry on but this is being made difficult by Malibu Bay Company charging Triple Net on top of high rent.

    Now, Steven Soboroff, who owns Cross Creek Plaza, is kind enough to charge a lowered rent to Wallace Theater so that we have a movie theater in Malibu. I think that is quite thoughtful of him since he and his family personally live in the Palisades and it wouldn’t affect him, but he feels Malibu needs a movie theater which, of course, we all enjoy.

    The same has got to be said for an Urgent Care. Who wants to drive over the hill or to Santa Monica at times when you need immediate care?

    Everybody out there, call David Reznick and Jon Perenchio of the Malibu Bay Company at 456-6555 and ask them to show a little compassion by lowering the rent and the Triple Net and making it possible to keep urgent care in Malibu for all of us.

    Beth Ruffman