The following letter was sent to Mark Ball and the Malibu Optimist Club.
I don’t know how to thank you for the unbelievable opportunity you granted me. My trip to Sacramento is one that will stay in my memory forever. Never, have I been given such an amazing and enriching opportunity. I want to give you all the greatest thanks.
I had never been immersed in a Legislative Business Chamber of Commerce Conference atmosphere or visited the Capitol before. I am so grateful to have experienced both. I thank you for enabling me to see how the Californian legislation works, and helping me see that accessibility to California’s political leaders is not difficult to achieve. I know you won’t realize how much this trip has opened my eyes, but it truly has.
A very memorable moment for me was witnessing the dichotomy of Governor Davis’ speech with that of Bill Simon. Both candidates for the upcoming November election, desired to sway the audience to each one’s favor. I was fascinated by each candidate’s views and approaches to matters that will soon be affecting my life greatly. I had never heard live campaign speeches before, and was so grateful that this trip let me see this. I got a better feeling for how politicians act, and the issues important to Californians. I was able to witness the structure of each candidate’s speech, which for me, was so engaging.
Meeting with Gov. Davis, Sen. Sheila Kuehl, her principal consultant, Jennifer, as well as assembly member Fran Pavley were encounters I will not forget. Speaking with these important political figures helped me visualize the importance and power of my voice. Mrs. Pavley shared concerns about issues that I also felt concern for. Her report about the environmental issues she is engaged in right now was very interesting to me, because I also care about the same environmental matters. These people showed me a difference can be made if I want it to be made and this is a wonderful realization. Thank you for enlightening me to the power I do have in Californian legislation.
I was given an opportunity that most my age are not. I want others my age to see that they do have authority in the legislative system. If they are adamant about a certain issue, their voices can be heard. I want them to realize the power they truly do hold and will do my best to spread the knowledge I have gathered from this trip to others who feel their opinions don’t matter. This is the only mode of thanks I can give you for the incredible opportunity you have granted me. I appreciate the time and energy you took in creating this opportunity for me. I am so thankful to you for being so compassionate and thoughtful to me, as well as my other two peers. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this experience.
Sashee Chandran