Letter: Yes on Prop. 56

Letter to the Editor

I read with great interest an article written by George Skelton, a reporter for the LA Times, pertaining to Proposition 56, “The Cigarette Tax,” adding $2 per pack sold here in California. The title of the article was “Big Tobacco is blowing smoke,” and was in the California Section on Oct. 20, 2016.

Mr. Skelton hit the nail right on the head. The tobacco company’s ads on tv and radio are filled with the most outrageous lies, and their prediction of all doctors, dentists, hospitals and health insurers trying a “tax grab” from the passing of this proposition is nothing more than fiction.  

While we are on the subject of lies, let’s hit the claim that our children and the California schools will, in their ads, lose millions of dollars if Prop. 56 passes. All I can say is, “What a crock!”  

Don’t believe these people that have knowingly killed thousands of Americans with their poisonous products. They are spending millions upon millions to defeat Prop. 56 and it all comes down to their bottom line of profit.

Don’t let these tobacco companies get away this time as they did in 2012, once again misleading the voting public with their lies of tax increases — which was only $1 per pack.

Don’t believe what you hear and see in these TV and radio ads, which are against Prop. 56, as they are all falsehoods.

Vote yes on Prop. 56.

Pete Haynes