The MPA is coming! Many of us thought that this complete ban on fishing really couldn’t happen, but Heal the Bay is setting the wheels in motion.
They are sending citizens down to Paradise Cove, Little Dume, Big Dume, Zuma, Escondido and other beaches to record every single thing that every single person is doing. They will mark on their little “surveys” the number of people and exactly what they are doing. They are there to record “data” for the parties who wish to make sure that their “Underwater Yosemite” is perfectly safe.
These “citizen surveyors” are there to monitor the State Marine Reserve. According to Section 36710 of the Public Resources Code, “it is unlawful to injure, damage, or possess any animal.” Will they ban surfing, because invariably, surfers stand on the animal-laden reefs when retrieving a board or just pushing out to get into the line up? Anemones, urchins, sea hares and stars can be damaged or killed by an errant foot.
Many of us are very concerned about this. If they are recording the number of people walking on the beach, on top of where the grunion lay eggs (all summer long), will they consider banning beachgoers between March and September?
If no, why then, are they counting people, recording our every activity? They are NOT counting the marine life, the fish, the algae, the sea stars, the things they say they are saving. They are coming in to watch us and record what we, the people, do!
Maybe, just maybe, it’s not too late to stop this frightening path. Evidence has surfaced with regards to illegalities in the MLPA process. There is a law suit that has been filed against the MLPA by the Partnership for Sustainable Oceans for violations of the California Records Act.
It is becoming more apparent to many locals that this is not the way to “save the fish.” Remember, the Chumash lived on the ocean’s bounties long before George Vancouver ever saw Point Dume. Paradise Cove was known as “Sumo,” a very important fishing village. Currently, our area at Little Dume and the Cove is teeming with life and those of us who feed ourselves with our catch are so grateful for the opportunity to live in and care for such a wonderful place.
We all should be concerned about the unknown with regards to this State Marine Reserve.
Think how different our beaches would be, if the Public Resources Codes are followed, and with “monitors” recording what you do in your own “backyard.”
I’m very concerned. Are you?
Shari Latta