Sorenity Rocks to Host EcoPeace Middle East Co-Directors

EcoPeace Middle East

The Israeli and Jordanian co-directors of EcoPeace Middle East will be in Malibu to tell their story this week. A reception will be held in their honor at Sorenity Rocks in Malibu Country Mart on Saturday, Oct. 8. 

They will discuss their efforts to build an international peace park on the site of the destroyed hydroelectric plant that, until 1948, provided electricity to Jordan as well as the nascent Israeli state and Palestinian communities throughout the land. 

EcoPeace Middle East is an organization of Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians who work together to solve issues related to shared water resources. 

This week, they will receive the Stanford University Bright Award for global sustainability due to their efforts to rehabilitate the polluted and depleted Jordan River. They are doing this by what they call “environmental peacemaking,” organizing Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians to work together at the grassroots level by bringing mayors of bordering towns together to cooperate and aligning governments to adopt win-win policy solutions. For the first time in nearly 50 years, some fresh water—but not enough—flows in the river holy to three faiths.