Video: EcoMalibu retraces Malibu Lagoon Project history


A recent video (at left) produced by the group EcoMalibu showcases the road to completion of the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project, including the May 3 grand reopening of the lagoon, which featured a kelp-cutting rather than a traditional ribbon-cutting. 

Scientists and project proponents touted the project’s success at the May 3 ceremony

The state’s highly controversial lagoon re-shaping and dredging project began last summer and finished about two months ago. Supporters of the restoration argued that a prior restorative effort in 1983 did more harm than good to the lagoon, which was backed up and choking from poor water quality, flow and contaminated sediment.

Opponents countered that using bulldozers to re-shape the lagoons channels would needlessly kill wildlife and plant species, and that the lagoon could correct its problems naturally.