Letter: Broad Beach Update Request

Letter to the Editor

Could The Malibu Times publish an update to the planning of restoring Broad Beach and the removal of the hideous “temporary” rock wall? I noticed with the installation of the rock wall, the sand is being pushed away by the force of the waves against the wall [which] is growing taller.

When will sand replenishment be allowed as they do in other beach communities? I am outraged that the Malibu City Council and Board do nothing to preserve Broad Beach while they allow other maintenance to accrue next door at Zuma Beach. I will tell you one thing, we would never sit and watch this happen in East Hampton. The sand Hurricane Sandy removed was immediately replaced.

The City of Malibu is in the way of solving the problem and puts much burden on property owners. As we all know, the beaches and sand belong to all of us, as the press has fairly reported. Now please report the repair to the precious beach rather than the other things you’ve been reporting.

A local newspaper has important work to communicate. It is your duty to help in the communication. Regular maintenance work is required on beaches near heavily populated areas. Please update the public and help move this important issue along. The temporary rock wall blocks every one out and that’s not a plan that’s fair to anyone. Not to mention, it breaks the fabric of what was there to begin with.

Remove the eyesore and restore.

Robert Schienberg, Sr. Vice President, Global Communications Marchon/Calvin Klein eyewear