Meet the City Council candidates

Jefferson Wagner

The Malibu Times e-mailed a list of 11 questions to the five City Council candidates. The candidates were limited to 75 words per answer and had five days to answer the questions. The Malibu Times has received all the candidates’ answers, and will print them during the next five weeks. The order of the candidates’ profiles was determined by a random drawing. The order is as follows:

Feb. 28 – Pamela Conley Ulich

March 6 – Jefferson Wagner

March 13 – John Sibert

March 20 – Kathy Wisnicki

March 27 – Susan Tellem

Name: Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner

Birth date: July 3, 1953

How long have you lived in Malibu? Since 1975 (33 years).

How many people are in your immediate family, regardless of whether they live at home? Feel free to mention their names and ages. Daughter Ava Q. Wagner, age 16, 11th grade at Malibu High School, and Candace Brown, girlfriend for 14 years.

What is your education and employment history?

B.A. Pre-Law from University of the Pacific in Stockton, Calif. Currently owner of Zuma Jay’s Surf Shop (33 years). Pyrotechnic operator 1st Class; my local union is the 44 I.A.T.S.E.

Why are you running for City Council?

If elected, I hope to provide a logical way to improve water quality. In doing so, property values will increase and impending lawsuits against our city may diminish. I would like to work on emergency preparedness and develop the CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team) and Arson Watch programs further. I would promote a plan to address the 68 density issues in the Civic Center area. Remember: density diminishes desire.

What makes you qualified to be on City Council?

I initiated several large fundraising efforts in the ’80s: the B.O.P. concert at Pepperdine to build the Bluffs Park and the M.E.R. concert to build the emergency room, presently Malibu Urgent Care. I helped with Old Joe’s memorial rock. I did the Sheriff’s honor upgrade; numerous organized efforts to paint over graffiti in Malibu Canyon with Pepperdine fraternities and sororities. I was a Los Angeles County Reserve Deputy Level 1. I am currently a Malibu CERT member.

What organizations or groups have you been involved in and how were you involved?

Former board member of the Chamber of Commerce, ’06 to ’07; former president of the Malibu Township Council, ’07 to ’08; Surfrider Foundation; member of Malibu Pier Partners (to renovate and re-open the Malibu Pier).

Have you been involved

in any homeowners associations or other community groups, including city committees?

Currently president of the Latigo Canyon Preservation Association, a 501(C)3 nonprofit homeowners association.

What experiences have you had dealing with budgets? How about legislation?

Fundraising budgets, nonprofit organizations’ budgets, retail store budget, entertainment industry (film) budgets.

What are your interests outside of politics?

Hobbies are surfing, sailing, basketball, karate, gardening and chess. I am very interested in environmental issues and the early history of Malibu and the pier.