Multimedia Director Julie Ellerton went around schools to ask kids about their feelings on returning to school for the new year. Check out the responses from some of Malibu’s youngest!

“I really like school; it’s different from OLM, which is a good thing and I feel like that I’ve learned a lot, even in the first two-and-a-half weeks of school. My favorite part is being able to have different experiences every day, where I can meet new friends and experience different religions, because there’s a bunch at my school. It’s really cool.”MacKenzie Muller, Louisville High School

“Well, it feels really nice, especially to start over at a new school and feel like the little kids again… new experiences, new friends and to learn new things. At Malibu High you get to be more independent and do your own thing and be in charge of yourself.”Alexandra Comfort, sixth grade, Malibu Middle School

“It’s fun to be back with my friends who I didn’t see over summer and the ones that I did see, ‘cause I’m with them all day. When you’re in school, you’re not really bored, so in summer sometimes you have free time, if you don’t have camps or something. My favorite subject is more like geography, history or science, too.”Titus Kahl, sixth grade, Oaks Christian School