We’re not environmental nuts, we’re not Nimbys and we believe that people should be able to sport fish in Malibu. We also understand that fisherman have to make a living. At the same time, we can’t help but wonder if anyone else in Malibu feels as badly as we do as we’re watching a fleet of no less than 16 commercial fishing boats trolling the waters off Cove Colony for the last 24 hours straight. I’m sure they’ll be there when morning comes. We’ve lived here for five years and while we’ve seen some commercial fishing offshore, we’ve never seen anything quite like this. It may be legal, but it certainly seems abusive … and controversial.
Does the rest of Malibu know it’s happening? Surely my husband and I can’t be the only ones who feel that what’s going on out there is abusive and short-sighted.
T. Tuchman
Editior’s note: This is the time of year when the squid come to Malibu.