Letter: Unanswered Questions

Letter to the Editor

Thanks for the article about Measure R (“Soborof f leads charge against Measure R” from Sept. 25 edition). 

Here’s a few questions that none of the Measure R supporters I have talked to have had permission to answer. 

1. Why were the existing shopping centers in the Civic Center exempted from the requirements for conditional use permits for a new chain store location? 

2. According to the City’s analysis, the exemption for existing retail spaces between 1,400 and 5,000 square feet applies to 83% of the existing shops in the Civic Center. Why? 

3. Proponents claim the ordinance will protect small business. Where does the ordinance say this and how will it be accomplished? 

4. Rob Reiner offered to debate in a Channel 9 interview. Former Mayor Jeff Jennings has offered to meet him. Where and when? 

5. What were the “Friends of Rob” that paid for Measure R told it would do? 

6. Proponents claim Measure R is “legal because it was written by an attorney,” but refuse to indemnify. What will it cost the City to defend? 

Paul Grisanti