Malibu Seen: Arthur Janov and Cindy Crawford

Malibu’s acclaimed music man David Foster hits the right note with the famed author Arthur Janov.


So there I was, on my way to see my favorite stylist at Marie’s Hair Studio on Malibu Road, when something funny happened before I even made my way into the chair. 

There, on the front door, I noticed a sign for “Primal Scream: The Musical,” brought to you by Arthur Janov and legendary Malibu music man David Foster. 

Something didn’t add up. I remember Arthur Janov and his groundbreaking “The Primal Scream” book from high school and I certainly knew mega-producer David from all my years in Malibu, but how did these two hook up to make of all things – a musical? And what did this have to do with Marie, who was apparently helping bring their vision to life? 

Unlikely as it may seem, Arthur Janov teamed up with Dave to turn his best-selling book (based on his experiences working with primal therapy) to the stage at Pepperdine. Foster came across a collection of Arthur Janov’s poems from a quarter of a century ago and put them to music. The rest, they say, is history. 

So how did Marie Ferro get into the picture? “Arthur and France Janov are clients that I always found fascinating as we would talk a lot about the in-roads primal therapy made in psychology,” Ferro said. “One day, two years ago, Arthur came in and was talking about a play he, France and David had collaborated on 25 years earlier, and asked if it was something I wanted to help produce.” 

The immediate response was an enthusiastic yes. Marie couldn’t help but be inspired by the 90-year-old “The Primal Scream” author. 

“His enthusiasm was contagious and the concept of the play was intriguing and innovative. When I heard the music — that sealed the deal. With David Foster’s genius and Arthur’s amazing ability to inject feeling into the songs, it was sure to be a hit,” she explained. “Knowing so many people over the years in the industry, I had a lot of information and contacts of people who could be a fit for the project.” 

And they were off. Between blowouts and haircuts, Marie has been juggling rehearsals, promotions and more. 

“Primal Scream: The Musical” is a powerful and emotional comedy – yes comedy – that centers on Jim and Julie. The two are lost souls who can’t express their love due to repressed childhood feelings. The audience is invited to join them on their journey as they delve into their troubled pasts to retrieve lost and buried feelings, which have led to all kinds of neurotic behaviors. Not good. 

The production features more than 30 song and dance numbers – yup, song and dance numbers – with Janov’s lyrics and music by Foster. Then, get ready for a scream. There will be primals on stage, expressed this time as therapy. The message is that early childhood pain drives much of our behavior as we get on in years so by just getting rid of the painful feelings, you can rid yourself of a lot of anxiety and depression. 

So if you are ready to give a shout out to David, Arthur and Marie, head down to the Smothers Theatre at Pepperdine on Oct. 17. And watch out world, warned Marie. 

“What started as a labor of love has turned into an incredible journey that is promising to continue on into other theaters in Los Angeles and hopes to move on to Broadway.” New York, here they come! 


No, they weren’t walking down the aisle, but Malibu’s Cindy Crawford and hubby Rande Gerber were most certainly up front and center in Venice for best pal George Cooney’s Venice wedding blow out to his bride Amal. 

They couldn’t have picked a better place. As longtime readers know, Venice is the sentimental sister city to Malibu Seen, and its beauty and preservation efforts have been featured many times. George has become a familiar face with Rande and Cindy riding their bikes in Malibu. Now Clooney’s got a seat for two. Congrats!