Roy Rogers would rejoice


    Malibu Trails Association is a dedicated trails advocate. It was founded in 1991. Its main membership consists of many local Malibu residents whose ultimate goal is the preservation of neighborhood trails, pathways and side paths, historical and connector trails within the Malibu boundaries, and linking these trails up to the county, state and National Park trails that surround Malibu.

    If these short, local trails are cut off from the main arteries, such as the Coastal Slope Trail and the Backbone Trail, the community will cease to have any easy access to their local recreation areas — the very reason most of us moved here in the first place.

    In addition, these little neighborhood trails give safe alternatives to pedestrians and equestrians, who are otherwise forced out into the busy streets.

    Last, but by no means least, there is a great deal of concern over the safety of all school-age children who must literally dodge cars and buses, just to get to other parts of their neighborhoods. With these revived neighborhood connectors, children could use them to actually walk or ride their bikes safely to and from school, market and friends.

    What a concept!

    Ask the old timers – It used to be that way!

    After so many years of effort by the Malibu Trails Association and others, I was thrilled by the Malibu City Council’s creation of the Trails Master Plan Advisory Committee. My thoughts and emotions are reflected in this poem.

    I used to ride my horse each day

    until I joined the MTA

    Now in the office, mostly I stay,

    typing letters and phoning

    My life away!

    But, not all in vain

    I’ll give you this clue

    For the Land-Use-Sub-Committee

    Has come to the rescue!

    The city of Malibu has seen the light

    Listening and responding

    Against the plight

    Of too few trails within – in its bounds

    With fewer safe routes for residents

    To get around.

    So, hats of to all!

    We are launched, you see,

    On this brand new mission —

    Connecting our trails

    From land to sea!

    So, I’ll ride my horse again, someday

    Wave to passing neighbors

    Along our new trail-way.

    Count my blessings,

    Enjoy the sights.

    Thank the Lord

    For this little Paradise!

    Patricia Keenan

    president, Malibu Trails Association