Calendar events are scheduled in advance and may be subject to change. Verify dates and times by calling the informational number provided. Submission deadline is Friday at 1 p.m. Please fax submissions to The Malibu Times, c/o Calendar Editor, at 310.456.8986, or e-mail to



FORUM ON MEASURE M Scheduled for 2:30 p.m. at the Malibu Library on Civic Center Way. 456.6438

SAT., NOV. 1

TRAIL RIDE Annual Trail Ride and barbecue with guest-of-honor Woody Smeck. Malibu Valley Farms in Calabasas, 2200 Stokes Canyon. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. Fee. RSVP 457.0524

MEASURE M DISCUSSION Discussion about Measure M, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Malibu United Methodist Church. 457.7505

WILDLIFE FOUNDATION EVENT All-star celebration of William Holden Wildlife Foundation’s 20th anniversary, 7:30 p.m. at Los Angeles International Cultural Center Theatre. Tickets: 323-656-9069,

SUN., NOV. 2

ART EXHIBIT Allied Artists art exhibit and reception at the Malibu Nature Preserve clubhouse, noon. 457.9130

BIRD WATCHING Two-hour family nature walk at Malibu Lagoon, 10 a.m. RSVP 998.1511

ALL SAINT’S DAY Service at Malibu United Methodist Church, 10:30 a.m. 457.7505

DEMOCRATIC CLUB FUNDRAISER Wesley Clark Jr. will speak at a fundraiser for the Malibu Democratic Club, 1:30 p.m. at a private home at 29057 PCH. 454.1487

FREE CONCERT Classical concert by the Topanga Symphony, 3 p.m. Topanga Community House, 1440 North Topanga Canyon Blvd. 818.999.5775

‘COMPASSION IN FASHION’ Fundraiser fashion show for the Humane Society featuring cruelty-free couture, noon at the Hollywood Palladium. Honorary Committee members are Pierce and Keely Brosnan. 818.501.2275


NATIVE AMERICANS City study group on Native American cultural resources, 7 p.m. 457.3006

WED., NOV. 5

BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Reading of selections from “The Princes in the Tower” by Alison Weir, with discussion to follow. Point Dume Mobile Home Park at 1 p.m. 457.7839


ATTRACTING BIRDS TO GARDENS Jennie Ayers, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited, will speak at the Malibu Garden Club meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Michael Landon Center at Bluffs Park. Guests welcome. 456.1107

‘FIDDLER ON THE ROOF’ Performances at Pepperdine’s Smothers Theatre on Nov. 6-8 and 13-15, 7:30 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. 506.4522

FRI., NOV. 7

FITNESS WALK Free fitness walk at SOKA University, 9:30 a.m. 818.878.3741


Dr. Matthew Cohen will give a talk on stress management for Malibu Senior Center members, 10 a.m. $10. 456.2489, ext. 357

PAINT OUT Allied Artists Paint Out at Nicholas Flats in west Malibu. Meet at 10 a.m. and bring your own art supplies and lunch. 338.0333.

MHS HOMECOMING Malibu High School Homecoming, football and water polo games and barbeque. 457.6801

SAT., NOV. 8

HOLIDAY TRADE FAIR Presented by Malibu Business Exchange; lots of merchandise, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Vineyard Church on Stuart Ranch Road. 457.6020

‘A NIGHT WITH COYOTE’ Chumash dancing, music and storytelling, 6 p.m. at Malibu Stage Co. 317.1364

‘PASTELS OF MALIBU’ Art reception for Peter Adams at Skidmore Contemporary Art, 6 p.m. Exhibit runs Nov. 8-30. 456-5070

‘CASINO ROYALE’ Topanga-Coalition for Emergency Preparedness fundraiser at the Top O’ Topanga Recreation Hall, with roulette, blackjack, craps and more, 7 p.m. Park on Viewridge Drive. 455-2280, 455.3000

MOTIVATIONAL TALKS Jesse Billauer shares his life experiences on Nov. 8 and 9 at the Malibu High School Theater, 6 p.m. Also performing is musician Tristan Prettyman. Tickets:

SUN., NOV. 9

ROCKY OAKS WALK Leisurely two-hour nature walk at Rocky Oaks Park, 10 a.m. Park in lot off Mulholland Highway, west of Kanan Road. 805.370.2301

TRADITIONAL TEA CEREMONY Soka University, 11 a.m. Free, but reservations are required: 818.878.3741,

BOOK SIGNING Rev. Larry Peacock of Malibu United Methodist Church will sign his new book, “Openings,” at the church at 3 p.m. 457.7505

TOPANGA POETS’ READING Lower Topanga poets will read from their book, “Idlers of the Bamboo Grove: Poetry From Lower Topanga Canyon,” at Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd., 4 p.m. 822.3006.

FULL MOON HIKE Two-hour hike under the full moon for all ages, 7 p.m. at Charmlee Park. RSVP 317.1364

MON., NOV. 10

JAZZMAN LARRY GOLDINGS Jazz concert featuring Larry Goldings, with drama performances and art show to support the Malibu High Art Department’s trip to New York, 7 p.m. 457.6801

BOOK SIGNING Leon Cooper and co-author Don Tait will sign “90 Day Wonder-Darkness Remembered,” about Cooper’s experiences during World War II. Malibu Library, 7 p.m. 456-6438

TUES., NOV. 11

VETERAN’S DAY CEREMONY Fourth Annual Veteran’s Day Public Ceremony, 11 a.m. at Malibu City Hall on Stuart Ranch Road. 456.2489

PROTECTING YOUR NEST EGG Free financial seminar for Malibu Senior Center members, 4:30 p.m. 456.2489, ext. 357

THUR., NOV. 13

‘WILD HEARTS’ GALA Fundraiser for the California Wildlife Center at the Beverly Hills Hotel, honoring Richard J. Riordan, with dinner and silent auction.


CABARET Musical entertainment and visual arts on Nov. 13 and 14, 7 p.m. at MHS to support the Malibu High Art Department’s trip to New York. 457.6801, ext. 233


Annual Seaside Women’s Doubles Tennis Tournament, a fundraiser for Malibu High School, at the Malibu Racquet Club. 457.6801, ext. 188

-Cortney Litwin