Make city worthy


One hundred fifty dollars an hour for a city public relations officer?! Our city claims it can’t afford increased law enforcement, but we have $150 dollars an hour to pay someone to make the Council, I mean City, look good? Here’s the scoop! Malibu has a reputation throughout the world as being one of the most beautiful beach cities. No PR needed. It’s not until the visitors show up and actually see Malibu that we need PR. A ‘downtown’ of weeds, dilapidated businesses, crushing traffic congestion! Pretty is as pretty does. Council, go to work. Fix the problems. Don’t pay someone to tell us that what we see everyday is ‘good.’ It’s transparent, silly and a ridiculous expense. Besides, Hans Christian Anderson already did this story. It’s titled, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.”

Jannette Frazier