Letter: Life-Saving Call

Letter to the Editor

I think that this is an idea that could potentially save someone’s life: A couple of days ago, at about 9:30 p.m., I heard a knock on the door. I saw a large shadow and I assumed it was someone renting my guesthouse. I opened the door and a person I had never seen immediately and quickly entered my house. I quickly and forcefully pushed him out and locked the door behind him. He stood outside my door while I yelled at him to get off my property. I am not sure what he wanted, but I certainly wasn’t going to ask.

My wife, in the meantime, managed somehow through her hysterics to call 911. As soon as the man stepped away from the door, I went outside to help him find his way off the property, so to speak. In the meantime, I heard my wife screaming at the dispatcher to come quickly while she described the individual. They insisted on speaking to me, which they eventually did, about 10 minutes later, after I finally was able to get this person off the property.

When the police finally arrived, they asked when did this occur? We told them that it was about an hour before. They seemed surprised and stated that they had just received the calls five minutes ago. Their recommendation to us was to keep their number saved on our phones and to call the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs Department directly if there is ever an emergency. Hence, the purpose of my letter: I recommend calling the Malibu Sheriffs (818.878.1808) as well as 911.

Sebastian Harrison