

lingers on

There is not a day that passes that Julia (Webb) is not thought of and missed by those that loved her. She always had the ability to make you laugh and smile, whether it was though her actions, her dramas, her words or more often than not, simply a look. Even in passing, she still has the ability to light up a room, simply with just the mention of her.

She left us all with so many wonderful memories that still bring a smile to our faces and laughter to our voices. There is no better medicine for the heart and soul and I thank her for showing us that. She lived life fully and passionately and never let circumstances prevent her from what she wanted to do. I know if she looked back on her life she’d have no regrets about not doing or trying something. Too few people are able to do that.

A year may have passed but she will forever be in our hearts and as we think of her, we should honor her by remembering what she taught us-to laugh, to love, to live, to not be afraid.

Samantha Turner-Phillips