Republican Women Federated meeting

Pictured, from left: Malibu resident Mimi Frank and John Kiriakou.

The Malibu/Bel-Air Republican Women Federated welcomed John Kiriakou, former CIA officer, to the home of Patti Adair, MBA-RWF copresident, on May 6. Kiriakou shared with the MBA-RWF members and their guests some of his experiences as head of counter-terrorism in Pakistan. He also signed copies of his 2010 book, “The Reluctant Spy: My Life in the CIA’s War on Terror.”

Before Kiriakou addressed the group, David Benning, Ari David, and Robert Flutie, three of the Republican candidates for the 30th Congressional District, discussed their visions for the Congressional seat and their plans on how to unseat Henry Waxman.

By Olivia Damavandi