It now appears that Malibu, as with Santa Monica and its ilk, is stuck on stupid. One wonders to what extent the folks responsible for this ordinance have bothered to educate themselves to the basic facts of economic life. One need only look to the city of Seattle to realize the folly of this madness. Wealth redistribution is, and always has been, unworkable. By seeking parity with other municipalities on a collision course with fiscal disaster, Malibu will learn that business and progress will naturally lean toward business friendly environments. Enforced higher wages will result in fewer hours worked, fewer full time gigs and more folks seeking the few jobs remaining. This ridiculous Leftist law is guaranteed to circle right ‘round and bite the ‘Bu right on its ample buttocks. The only thing making less sense is the concept that banning smoking in open spaces is a good idea. Save me!
No wait, there is one thing both less intelligent and more socially irresponsible. Can it really be that our fair city hates our country and culture so much that it will not only tolerate illegal aliens but seek to encourage more of the same by offering minimum wages to law breakers? Really? By all means, save me! Save us all.
Steve Jones