City of Malibu, The Malibu Times to Observe Holiday Hours

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The City of Malibu and The Malibu Times will observe changed hours for Christmas and New Year holidays.

The Malibu Times office, located at 3864 Las Flores Canyon Road, will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25, and the following Monday, Jan 1. People items and sports briefs will be due on Friday, Dec. 22, and Friday, Dec. 29, accordingly. Letters to the editor, obituaries, calendar items and news briefs will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays (Dec. 26 and Jan. 2) as usual. The deadline to reserve advertising space will be by 5 p.m. on Thursdays (Dec. 21 and 28).

City Hall will observe a half day—closing at 11:30 a.m.—on Dec. 22 and 29. It will be closed all day Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. 

As per Malibu Municipal Code, construction will be halted on the holiday. Malibu Library will be closed all day Dec. 25 and Jan. 1.

The Malibu Times will update this news brief when the city announces its official holiday schedule.