Two Days Remain for Bluffs Park Survey

The view of the ocean from a trail at Bluffs Park. 

Only two days remain to take the City of Malibu’s survey about future community-serving development at Malibu Bluffs Park.

The survey asks for residents’ opinions on the design and use of Bluffs Park, according to Malibu Parks and Recreation Director Bob Stallings. 

The City of Malibu released the survey to its residents on May 18, asking them to provide feedback as to their priorities and preferences for the planning of the 90 acres of open space at Bluffs Park.

The survey’s website has thus far been visited by 700 visitors, with nearly 500 surveys taken as of June 12.

“The site was accessed by 700 visitors resulting in 410 completed surveys” Stallings wrote in an email. Stallings added that, “survey results will be incorporated in the Community Outreach Report along with comments gathered from two days of stakeholder meetings and public workshops. In addition to the survey responses, over 400 comments from the survey will also be included in the report.” 

The survey includes three multiple choice questions about residents’ preferred park uses in addition to a half dozen demographic questions. There is also space to provide additional personal comments and concerns. 

Stallings stressed the importance of resident feedback, as ” [the] public input process is integral to the park planning and design.” He added that feedback is instrumental in “addressing priorities issues and concerns associated with the project.”

City spokesperson Matt Myerhoff emphasized that, “the city serves the needs of the people” and that this survey allows the City of Malibu to meet those needs.

“Ultimately, they are the community members and they are the ones who need to use the space,” Myerhoff said.

The survey will remain available to residents through this Friday, June 19.