FM 99.1 KBUU Monday News Headlines


= Ventura County continues to reject Malibu residents with valid vaccination appointments.

= A VC official tells KBUU that the “Ventura Locals Only” vaccine policy will continue.

= A hijacked box truck leaves a trail of wrecked cars in Malibu before wiping out near Camarillo.

= The feds say schoolkids can be three feet apart … and some Malibu parents say that means full classrooms are safe.

= Not so fast … says Superintendent Ben Drati … the state and county won’t allow that yet.

= More spirited arguments are virtually guaranteed at Malibu City Hall … a special meeting at 4 today.

Malibu’s Only Local Daily News …

Weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at

Miss the newscast? The continuous replay is NOW on FM 99.1 HD2 and COMING SOON to from 10-2.

Major stories posted later in the day at www.radiomalibu,net

Breaking news stories always go first to the radio, and then the KBUU Facebook page,

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