Planetary Themes for the Month of September

Astrology forecast


The focus is in the emotional realm, working with others and making the best use of resources through the 12th. On the 13th, an important planetary event occurs for you. Your planetary ruler, Mars, enters Sagittarius. This signifies some new beginnings, exploring new dimensions, taking risks and moving in a positive direction. 


Deeper involvements in personal relationships or business partnerships are still in the stars for you through the 12th. New options open up for you after the 13th. On the 5th, you move into a more favorable cycle for work and accomplishing material goals this month. This is a good time to also start a new or improved health regimen. 


You strive for more balance in your life this month. Some family or domestic matters are in the picture for you to improve. The focus begins to move away from daily routines and work, and more toward personal relationships or partnerships after the 13th. Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decisions. 


A lot of activity is indicated for you through the 13th as you juggle many balls. You will need to find a balance between your personal life, relationships, family and career. A shift begins to occur after the 13th as you can break out of your comfort zone. Explore new opportunities in work or business. Improvements can be made. 


Your personal magnetism and playful side remains at its peak through the 5th. After this date, you begin to focus more on getting things organized and accomplishing goals. Family related issues can begin to improve after the 13th. You move into a new, favorable cycle for creative self-expression and opportunities. 


On the 5th, Venus enters your sign. This can help you attract more love in your life and joy from work and pursuing your goals. Through the 10th this month, you may not be seeing others or personal relationships as clearly. After the 13th, there is more activity at home or you may be dealing with some family related matters to resolve. 


The focus is on communications and relationships. You may also be feeling more reclusive and can find more balance spending some time alone. After the 13th, your mind becomes active with new ideas, and you may feel like making some short trips. On the 29th, Venus enters your sign for the greater expression of love in your personal relationships. 


As Mars continues to transit your sign until the 13th, the tide continues to flow your way if you take action in the direction of your goals. Social involvements or networking can be more rewarding this month and lead to favorable connections. Personal relationships may seem puzzling. More objectivity needed in this area. 


All of your behind the scenes activity or inner work on yourself can lead to some positive changes in your life or a fresh new start when Mars enters your sign on the 13th. Be realistic about your plans and goals through the 21st and don’t let over-optimism get the best of you. After the 21st, the sky is the limit for you. 


Continue to network and participate in social groups through the 13th. You can make some good contacts. Financial gains through work can come more easily. After the 13th, take a step back and focus on expanding your belief system and taking on a bigger vision. A balance between work and relationships needs to be attained this month. 


If you have been feeling a bit blocked in your career or are having a harder time accomplishing goals, a positive shift begins to occur after the 13th if you network and get more support from others. Personal relationships and exchanging ideas with others takes on more importance. Just avoid confrontations or disagreements around the 12th. 


Personal relationships or partnerships are highlighted this month after the 5th. You could attract someone new in your life around the 9th, but are they what they appear to be? An examination and adjustment of your finances is a good idea. After the 13th, put a protective layer around your emotions from the opinions of others. 

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