Letter: See You Someday

Letter to the Editor

Don’t come for the seder,

I tell you, do not.

There won’t be hot chicken soup simmering in the pot


I wish you could come here

Oh really, I do

But Elijah just cancelled,

And nixed it for you.


Don’t come for the seder,

Don’t come to our house.

Don’t bring your children,

Your parents or spouse.


I wish you could come here,

So strongly I wish.

Need someone to chow through Six jars of gefilte fish!


Don’t come for the seder,

I say there, don’t come.

No service, no singing,

In masks we’d be glum.


I wish you could come here,

Oh really, it’s so

But the governor said stay home: Non-essential, no go.


Don’t come for the seder,

There won’t be one here.

No brisket, no matzah,

No exodus, I fear.


I wish you could come here.

I’ll miss you so badly.

The prep and the clean-up,

I’d do them all gladly.


Don’t come for the seder,

Words I hate to say.

But stay healthy, stay sane,

And we’ll see you all someday.

Al Welland

Executive Director, MJCS