Talk about diversity! What do “Basic Instinct” beauty Sharon Stone, his Holiness the Dalai Lama, Blovaitor Alec Baldwin, self-help guru Deepak Chopra, super-scribe Kurt Vonnegut, mega-director Robert Altman, Sir Ben Kingsley, Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams and performance artist Yoko Ono have in common? They are all supporters of Global Vision for Peace. The United Nations honored the gang at a little cocktail bash and awards presentation at the historic Lloyd Wright Sowden House in Los Feliz. Global Vision recently launched Artists for the U.N., a prestigious band of peace-loving brothers and sisters who actively affirm the U.N.’s vision for peace.
Former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General Gillian Sorensen was on hand to personally present Ms. Stone, golden boy Peter Jackson, “Titanic” actress Francis Fisher and “Law & Order” cop Paul Sorvino with their very own U.N. peace pins. The pin has become one of Hollywood’s must-have accessories, and is favored by Oscar winners every year at the Academy Awards. Jackson got a lot of mileage out of his decorative dove, which was seen by one billion Oscar watchers every time he went up for another “Lord of the Rings” Oscar.
Tinseltown will be all a flutter on April 17 as the Chrysalis Foundation gets ready to celebrate its annual Butterfly Ball. An eclectic who’s who of Hollywood historically turns up for the swinging shindig, which helps homeless folks get back on their feet with job training and employment opportunities. The organization benefits more than 2,000 people each year at its centers in Santa Monica, L.A.’s Skid Row and Pacoima. The success rate is exceptional, with 80 percent of Chrysalis clients keeping their jobs for six months or more.
Locals lending a helping hand include “Hairspray” honcho John Paul DeJoria, Hannibal-turned-Hemmingway actor Anthony Hopkins, Matchstick Man Nic Cage, as well as fabulous friend Courtney Cox and hubby David Arquette. For an added touch of flavor, Andre 3000 of OutKast will perform the honors as emcee.
It’s the final signoff for Dr. Frasier Crane at call-in station KACL Seattle. Kelsey Grammer and the cast of “Frasier” bid the city of Starbucks “adieu,” marking the end of one of the longest-running and most successful comedies in television history. Loveable radio psychiatrist Dr. Fraiser Crane, Roz, Niles, Daphne and the rest have been delighting audiences for 11 years, picking up a staggering 31 Emmy awards in the process.
As a parting gesture, the cast shared a spicy pizza dinner with several hundred fans in the studio audience. “Ladies and Gentlemen, that’s a wrap,” shouted the stage manager after the final punch line was delivered. “Well…” quipped Grammer in true Frasier-fashion, “I’m never working on this show again!”
So long doctor, you’ll be missed. The final episode airs May 13.