No threat to marriage


The word “choice” is said to address homosexuals’ lifestyles, or a choice to be a homosexual. So if that’s the case, heterosexuals also have a choice! They choose to be straight. They choose to get married. They choose to have a family, unless sex is just for procreation only, then they don’t choose. They choose to buy a house. They choose to buy lots of things. They choose to work more than one job. They choose to send their children to a college.

But all the pressures of society are engulfing them and something happens. They choose to get a divorce. When the dust settles, and they get lonely and fall in love again, they choose to get married again! And 55 % of marriages fail in the first five years. Great track record for the Institution of marriage!!

Now, homosexuals fall in love and choose to get married because they are happy and want the same rights; taxpayers’ rights, visitation rights for a loved one in a hospital. It’s a threat to the Institution of marriage between a man and a woman. Only heterosexuals can be happy because they are “told” to get married, and “be happy”.

So let’s have an initiative and see what the voters want. The voters voted “yes,” that a marriage is between a man and a woman in 2001. But our state has checks and balances. The State Supreme Court voted “no”! It’s not legal. Everyone should “be happy.”

Pepperdine University, with manicured lawns appearing to be pure and moral, allowed itself to be involved. Please, there are much more important things to spend the taxpayer’s money on than an insane threat to marriage. Homosexuals were born out of heterosexual marriages. Don’t worry about the schools teaching homosexual lifestyles and/or same sex marriages. The children will develop their own thinking, which is what education and parenting is for. They will make a choice. But remember, it’s a choice, or is it? Vote “no” on Prop 8.

Tom Domino