Who knows better?


    In [the Surfside News story of Aug. 13] about reaction to low test scores at Juan Cabrillo Elementary, a Cabrillo teacher is quoted as saying, “The focus should not be to look around for who to blame.”

    An invitation to participate in a poll on newly designed currency (Los Angeles Times “Life & Style;” Aug. 9) reads, “If more money is revamped, who would you like to see pictured?”

    Pity the poor pronoun; misuse isn’t confined to who/whom. It’s not just teenagers who say things like, “You gave it to my friend and I,” “He invited John and I,” or “Dad and me are going for pizza.” Plenty doctors, lawyers, and elected officials can’t speak straight. Add teachers to the list.

    “The Handbook of Good English” by Edward Johnson and a score of other books on the topic often limit discussion of subjective and objective cases to about a page. Hopefully, those teaching our children and those editing the publications we read will want to assimilate one page on pronouns.

    No Expert on Grammar or Punctuation