Getting facts straight


Sadly my predictions in the issue two weeks ago were correct: The City Council shall defend their violation of the Brown Act (the law that requires community residents the right to access and to speak at meetings concerning the community interests), using our tax dollars in their defense; supported by spec developers and their cronies writing letters to the editor with insulting attacks against neighbors who oppose them.

Now, I have to correct the lies about me put out by an individual in an attack letter in last week’s papers. He stated that I don’t live in Malibu. I do live in Malibu. My business is surfwear. I am a former professional surfer hailing from Malibu since 1964. I was on the “Top Ten Competition Team” of the Malibu Surfing Association from ’64 through ’68. Topanga Beach was my spot until it became trashed when the State took it over in the late ’60s. Since 1992, I have been actively involved in the effort to remedy the pollution at Surfrider Beach. I have produced over a half dozen half-hour educational documentaries about the pollution at Surfrider. They have aired on community access TV, mostly made at my own expense. He characterizes them as “political hit pieces.”

History has shown us all that this individual most often sides with spec developers. He uses property rights, in the name of residents, as a front to promote his agenda opposing the permit process. He doesn’t care about public health and safety, which is what the permitting process is supposed to safeguard. He only cares about his so-called “right” to build whatever he wants. Accordingly, if anyone wants to build a mini nuclear plant on their property you should let them.

Bob Purvey