9 Candidates Pull Papers To Run For 3 Malibu City Council Seats

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Nine candidates have pulled papers so far for three city council seats that are open for the November elections.  The deadline to file is Aug. 6, 2020.  Some of the names who have filed are very familiar, some we have never heard from before.

The names who have filed to date: 

Paul Grisanti- Realtor and fire safety advocate

Andy Lyon- Realtor and frequent city critic

Rick Mullen- firefighter, incumbent

Alia Ollikainen-a substitute teacher and artist, not much known

Bruce Silverstein-an attorney from Delaware, a frequent critic of the city

Lance Simmens-a former Washington democratic government appointee.

Doug Stewart- a retired financial services exec and member of the Public Safety Commission

Regina Voarino- a business developer who has not said much in Malibu

Mark Wetton-Realtor and property services mgr., not much known.
