Malibu Senior Center Offering Art Workshop

Malibu City Hall

The Malibu Senior Center is hosting Malibu Tiles, an art workshop, on Sept. 25 for those over 14 years of age as part of the city’s initiative to provide community enrichment. 

During the two-hour course, participants will learn how to use stencils in order to create unique symmetrical Malibu-style tiles. The finished pieces can be used as coasters or as decorative wall art.

The class is scheduled for Friday Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. and will take place in the Senior Center at Malibu City Hall. The course is $2 and the cost of materials is $10, which will be payable to the instructor on the day of the class. Class size will be limited to 12 participants. 

To register, contact the Malibu Senior Center at 310.456.2489 ext. 357.